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Internal Model Representation

Internal Model Representation

As the CLI tool for making, squashing, merging, applying and reverting migrations is only written once because it is able to utilize our declarative migration format, for making migrations, it is required to include a step in your building pipeline to generate intermediate json files that represent the current model state.

The resulting JSON should live in the root of your project directory. The cli tools assumes the JSON file has the name .models.json.

Intermediate JSON representation

This is an example of the intermediate representation:

  "Models": [
      "Name": "foo",
      "SourceDefinedAt": {
        "File": "/path/to/source/",
        "Line": 140,
        "Column": 1
      "Fields": [
          "Name": "foo",
          "Type": "varchar",
          "SourceDefinedAt": {
            "File": "/path/to/source/",
            "Line": 142,
            "Column": 4
          "Annotations": [
              "Type": "primary_key"
              "Type": "not_null"
              "Type": "index"
              "Type": "max_length",
              "Value": 255,
              "Column": 4



The Name of a model should be already in the correct table name format. This is enforced by the linter.

SourceDefinedAt is an optional object that specifies the file the model originates from as well as the line number of the start of the model definition. If the key SourceDefinedAt is found, File and Line must be there as well.

Fields is an array of the model fields. See Fields

  "Name": "table_name",
  "SourceDefinedAt": {
    "File": "/path/to/source/",
    "Line": 140,
    "Column": 1
  "Fields": []


Fields represent a column in the database.

Name must be in the correct column name format. For further information, see linter.

Type must be one of the allowed database types.

SourceDefinedAt is an optional object that specifies the file the field originates from as well as the line number of the start of the field definition. If the key SourceDefinedAt is found, File and Line must be there as well.

Annotation is an array of possible annotations.

  "Name": "foo",
  "Type": "varchar",
  "SourceDefinedAt": {
    "File": "/path/to/source/",
    "Line": 142,
    "Column": 4
  "Annotations": []


Annotations must always have a key named Type with a possible annotation type.

Depending on the type, it may be required to add a Value key. The type of Value is depending on the annotation type.

E.g. max_length is using a value of type integer. choices on the other hand uses a value of type array of strings.

  "Type": "max_length",
  "Value": 255

Annotation types

Annotation name Value required Value type
auto_create_time ❌
auto_update_time ❌
autoincrement ❌
choices ✅ array of strings
default ✅ See default
index depends See index
max_length ✅ integer
not_null ❌
primary_key ❌
unique ❌


One of [string, number, bool]. Default types for varbinary should be encoded using hex strings.


If index is used without a value, a new index is created on the column.

If a composite index is desired, the Name and Priority fields are required:

  "Type": "index",
    "Name": "time-name",
    "Priority": 10

The Name attribute is only used to determine which indexes should be considered as composite by checking if the Name is used more than once in the same model.

The Priority attribute is used to determine the order in which the fields are placed when creating the index. This can have an impact on performance. The lower the number, the more important is the field. More significant fields get placed first at index creation.

If two fields have the same priority, the order in the Fields array is used to determine the order in the index. The order of the Fields array should map in the best case to the order of placement in the source code.

Database types

Type name Additional notes
varchar max_length annotation is required
choices choices annotation is required