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Model declaration

Model declaration

Models are defined declaratively as classes.


// registers all Model derived classes in this module and publicly imported modules
mixin RegisterModels;

class User : Model
    @maxLength(255) // Field is limited to 255 characters
    string username;

    string password;

    Nullable!string email; // Nullable string field

    ubyte age;

    Nullable!DateTime birthday; // Nullable datetime field

will generate the following table (using MySQL syntax):

    id SERIAL,
    username VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    password VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    email VARCHAR(255),
    birthday DATETIME

Additional information

  • the table name and column names are by default derived from the source code names (identifiers). They are converted into snake_case for all DB operations.
    • column names can be overriden using the @columnName("...") attribute.
  • to be a valid model, you need to define some @primaryKey or @Id field.


Annotation Allowed on Description
@autoCreateTime long or SysTime Sets the current time
on creation of the model. More
@autoUpdateTime long or SysTime Sets the current time
on update of the model. More
@choices(x) string or enum Sets a list of allowed values
for the column. More
@columnName(x) any Overwrite the default
generated column name. More
@constructValue!(x) any Set a constructed default value
for the column. More
@defaultValue(x) any Set a constant default value
for the column. More
@defaultFromInit any Set a constant default value
for the column based on the
default value on the D side. More
@embedded structs Embed the annotated structs
in the table. More
@ignored any Ignores the annotated field. More
@index or @index(x) any Create an index. More
@maxLength(x) string or Nullable!string Set the maximum length
of the VARCHAR type. More
@primaryKey integer type or string Overwrite the default primary key. More
@unique any except ManyToMany
or OneToOne
Enforce that the field value
is unique throughout the column. More
@validator!(x) any Set a function to validate
before any database operation More

Auto Time fields

You can utilize the annotations autoCreateTime and autoUpdateTime to automatically set the current time on creation respectively on update of the model to the annotated field.


As SysTime contains timezone information, dorm will also save it in the database.

class User : Model
    SysTime createdAt;

    Nullable!SysTime updatedAt;

if you prefer using stdTime instead of a SysTime field, you can just change the data type to long:

class User : Model
    long createdAt;

    Nullable!long updatedAt;


You don't need to set the @timestamp annotation. @autoCreateTime and autoUpdateTime implicitly also mean @timestamp.


When storing DateTime, the value is taken and saved as-is to the database. When using SysTime, the value is first converted to UTC, then the timezone information is stripped and then saved into the database. All stored datetimes are retrieved back as UTC SysTime when queried.


With the @choices(x) annotation, you can limit the possible values for this field by specifying either the field type as a type of enum T : string or @choices("foo", "bar", "baz").

By utilizing enum:

enum State: string
    ok = "ok",
    warn = "warn",
    critical = "critical",
    unknown = "unknown"

class User : Model
    State state;

or by list of string:

class User : Model
    @choices("ok", "warn", "critical", "unknown")
    string state;


You don't need to annotate this field with @maxLength(x) as VARCHAR is not used as database type.

Column name

By setting the @columnName(x) annotation, you can set the column name. If you don't set this annotation, dorm will generate the column name for you.

x must be of type string.

class User : Model
    bool isAdmin;

Construct value

With the @constructValue!(x) annotation, you can set the default value of the field, if omitted on creation by calling a previous defined function.

x is a function alias or lambda. The return value is assigned to the field on construction.


@constructValue! functions are not serialized to the database, creating new rows externally, will not populate them with the desired value.

import std.datetime.systime;
import std.datetime.datetime;

class User : Model
    @constructValue!(() => Clock.currTime + 4.hours)
    SysTime validUntil;

Default value

With the @defaultValue(x) or @defaultFromInit annotation, you can set the default value of the field, if omitted on creation.

x must be of the same data type as the field.

class User : Model
    string comment;

    /// Inherits DB default from User.init
    int counter = 1337;


The @embedded annotation can be used to embed the fields of the embedded structs in the table of the current class.

Recursively embedding structs is also supported.

struct Person
    string firstName;

    string lastName;

class User : Model
    Person person;

This will create a table (using MySQL syntax):

    id SERIAL,
    first_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    last_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,  


The @ignored annotation will tell dorm to ignore the annotated field.

class User : Model
    string priv;


The @index(x) annotation can be used in multiple ways.

Without x, an independent index is created.

class User : Model
    uint counter;

To create composite indexes, specify x as composite(y) where y is a string.

class User : Model
    uint a;

    uint b;


If @embedded is in use, composite(y) can be also specified in the embedded struct.

To set the priority on a composite index, specify x as priority(y), where y is an int.

The lower the priority, the earlier the field appears in the definition of the index.

class User : Model
    @index(composite("abc"), priority(2))
    uint a;

    @index(composite("abc"), priority(1))
    uint b;


If @priority(y) is not specified, 10 is used as default. On equal priorities, the field order is used to set the priorities.

Max Length

The @maxLength(x) annotation can (and must) be set on string data types. As in most databases, VARCHAR, which is used as data type representation for strings, must have set the maximum length, you must set this annotation on all string fields.

class User : Model
    string username;

    Nullable!string comment;

Primary Key

DORM adds an id column as primary key by default to each model.

The @primaryKey annotation is used to explicitly set the primary key. The default id field is not added in this case.

class User : Model
    ulong ownPrimaryKey;


To save an long as DATETIME (UTC) in the database, you can set the annotation @timestamp. The value itself is interpreted as stdTime.

class User : Model
    long creationTime;


You don't need to set this annotation if using @autoCreateTime or @autoUpdateTime as they set this implicit.


If @unique is set, the value must be unique throughout the complete column.

Can be used on all field types except One2One and Many2Many fields.

class User : Model
    int uuid;

Validator functions

Validator functions are triggered before inserting / updating any field in the database. Per field, you can have multiple validators. They are executed in order.

They must have the signature: (FieldType x) => bool.

class User : Model
    @validator!(x => x >= 18)
    int age;