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Migration File Format

Migration File Format

The migration files utilize TOML as format. It is advised to read the examples of the TOML examples to get a feeling for the options you get when using lists or tables.

TOML is used to enable developers to write migrations on their own, in a human-readable format without the necessity to depend on the makemigrations tool.

Example migration:

Dependency = ""
Initial = true
Hash = "2179384940715410208"
Replaces = []

  Type = "CreateModel"
  Name = "foo"

    Type = "uint64"
    Name = "id"

      Type = "NotNull"

      Type = "PrimaryKey"

    Type = "varchar"
    Name = "abc"

      Type = "MaxLength"
      Value = 255

      Type = "NotNull"

    Type = "doubleNumber"
    Name = "def"

      Type = "DefaultValue"
      Value = 1.5

      Type = "NotNull"

Migration Section

# Initial specifies if the migration is the initial migration.
# This has to be specified on one migration.
Initial = true

# Specify the previous migration. If the current migration is the
# initial one, this has to be an empty string.
Dependency = ""

# List of migrations this migration replaces. 
# See squashing migrations for more information about this topic.
Replaces = []

# Internal hash of the migration. This value is only used to 
# determine if it is necessary to rerun the migration creation
# process. If writing own migrations, you can just set it to "".
Hash = "123456789"

# List of operations to execute in this migration. Operations
# get executed in order. 
# As TOML allows either
#    Operations = [{ A = "b"}]
# or
#    [[Migration.Operations]]
#    A = "b"
# to define lists of objects, you can use your preferred style. 
Operations = []

Operations Section

The objects of the Operations section are a union of all possible database operations supported by the migrate tool.

Create Model Operation

This operation will create a new table in the database.

Type = "CreateModel"

# Name is the name of the table. By convention, snake_case is used
# as format. This is enforced by the linter. 
# See linter for more information.
Name = "foo"

# This will be a column of our model
# The name of the column. Also checked by the linter.
Name = "id"

# Type of the column. Refer to Field types for a list 
# of all possible values.
# Note:
#   This is not the exact database type. As not all databases
#   provide the same types.
Type = "uint64"

# List of the annotation of the field with name "id"
# Type of the annotation. Refer to Annotation Types for a complete
# list of all annotations.
Type = "PrimaryKey"

# For some annotations there is a attribute named Value required.
# If not required, it must be omitted
# Value = SomeType

Rename Model Operation

This operation will rename an existing model in the database.

Type = "RenameModel"

# Current name of the table.
Old = "foo"
# New name of the table.
New = "bar"

Delete Model Operation

This operation will delete an existing table from the database.

Type = "DeleteModel"

# Name of the table that should get deleted
Name = "foo"

Add Field Operation

This operation adds a column to an existing table.

Type = "AddField"

# Name of the table to add the column to
Name = "foo"

# The column to add to the table
# Name of the column. Checked by the linter.
Name = "counter"

# Type of the column. Refer to Field types for a list 
# of all possible values.
# Note:
#   This is not the exact database type. As not all databases
#   provide the same types.
Type = "int32"

# List of annotations of the field.
# If there are no annotations, this list must be empty.
Annotations = []

Rename Field Operation

This operation renames a column from a table.

Type = "RenameField"

# Name of the table the column lives in.
TableName = "foo"

# Old name of the column
Old = "it"
# New name of the column
New = "id"

Delete Field Operation

This operation deletes a column from an existing table.

Type = "DeleteField"

# Name of the table
Name = "foo"

# Name of the column that should be deleted
Name = "counter"

Raw SQL Operation

This operation performs raw SQL statements on the database.


make-migrations can no longer generate any migration files once you have a raw SQL operation in your migration steps.

Type = "RawSQL"

# Set this to true to indicate that this SQL statement does not affect the
# internal model representation.
# Setting this to true will also keep `make-migrations` working, since it will
# generate future migrations assuming that this SQL statement did not change
# the model state.
StructureSafe = false

# single SQL statement on SQLite databases
SQLite = ""

# single SQL statement on PostgreSQL databases
Postgres = ""

# single SQL statement on MySQL databases
MySQL = ""

Field types

Annotation types